Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lady Bug 22

Good evening well here is what i did today getting closer to the final finish. As you can see from the photos the bottom is painted and i have filled the minor imperfections with putty. I will sand this and the grey and make ready for the Easypoxy undercoater whit this is like a talc and the more you put on the smoother the final finish will look. I do 2 coats and it looks great. Still trying to pick a model name for the 22 skiff so far I like NAHANT 22 or PILGRIM 22 any suggestions? This skiff is going to be Jade Green with White Boot and Black Rail. Hope you are enjoying this.

1 comment:

  1. KI 22 or Kent Island 22 or Chesapeake 22 all sound good to me.
